I desperately desire to know and
worship the Lord more through His Word. It is my greatest calling and joy
to train my children to love God and love others.
I have created a tool that has
helped me to teach my children to turn from sin and live godly lives as we wait
for the coming of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ.
God is redeeming His people from
slavery to sin and is purifying us to be HIS own possession. We must be
zealous for good works that bring Him glory.
I want to be ready to take my
children directly to the pages of Scripture to learn about our Great God.
He wants us to live virtuous and holy lives because He is holy. Our
good character is a result of the Holy Spirit at work in our lives.
We must abide in Him to bear fruit.
I pray that you would use the VTB
to train yourself and encourage those around you to pursue virtue for
God’s glory.
Rejoice in the virtue that God is producing in your life as He transforms you into His image!
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ
and the love of God
and the fellowship of
the Holy Spirit
be with you all.
2 Corinthians 13:14
My husband and I also created the
Child Training Bible
to help us apply Scripture in
our home with our children.
For more information on the CTB, please
visit www.ChildTrainingBible.com.